Pīnchā Mayūrāsana (commonly known as Forearmstand) represents the gorgeous peacock’s feather.
Mayūra means peacock in Sanskrit and Pīnchā is feather or wing.
The peacock in yogic mythology is associated with Krishna, who wears a peacock feather in his hair as decoration. The feather is an offering of gratitude from the king of peacocks, a thank you to Krishna for joining the peacocks in their dance in the forest of Vrindavan
This arm balance has the elbows, forearms and palms as its SEAT. The practitioner lifts the torso and the legs off the floor reaching and pointing the toes towards the sky. This pose mirrors the movement of this beautiful bird’s feather that spreads like a glorious fan. The upward extension should feel like a light touch – as if one was touched by a sense of appreciation for life.
Key Alignment Points:
- Elbows shoulder-width apart. Forearms and hands parallel to each other.
- Balance without dropping legs forward into a backbend.
- Chest, armpits, shoulders stretch up vertically.
- Spine, hips, knees, ankles extend upwards.
- Legs are held together. Quadriceps are activated. Calves drawn toward heels.
- Spine and abdomen are firm and steady to hold the weight of the legs and pelvis.
- Head is up and gaze is forward toward fingertips. Eventually, the crown of the head can face the earth.Sequence Placement:
- After Side-Bending poses that stretch the intercostal muscles and balance out the sides of the body.
- At the beginning of Back-Bending poses or at the end (for more advanced practitioners) to bring length to the lumbar spine.