
Sacred CACAO CEREMONY + Sound Bath


With great joy we welcome our circle to reunite. Sarah and Jarrod are honored to come together to serve cacao and create a nurturing evening of healing and connection.

In this sacred ceremony, we will honor Mother Earth & expand our potential through the medicine of cacao and of sound.

The cacao spirit is a feminine and powerful teacher, who can assist us in:

-releasing old stories
-cleansing negativity
-opening your heart
-connecting to the feminine/ Mother Earth
-increasing creativity
-feeling uplifted
-remembering the divine within you!

With the Cacao Spirit and the healing power of gong and drum, let us receive divine messages and inspiration!

We will sit in a traditional circle and drink ceremonial strength cacao at the beginning of the ceremony.

Please do not eat 2 hours before the ceremony to let the cacao goddess have her full effect.

All are welcome to join!

Please register early as space is limited.

10% discount for SOUK All-In Members

Inside Flow with Young Ho Kim


Come flow with the creator of Inside Flow, Young Ho Kim, and experience this revolutionary vinyasa yoga style firsthand.

In Inside Flow, you are singing a song with your body. Its dynamic sequences are paired with a diverse range of music. From slow tunes to fast beats, spanning Hip Hop to pop, you’ll immerse yourself in the unity of breath, movement, and music as we embody SPANDA’s yogic philosophy.

Join us and discover the transformative power of Inside Flow – where each flow deepens your connection to the heart and we move as move. Get ready to move, sweat, and flow!

For more than twenty years Young Ho Kim is a traveling yoga teacher and big advocate of evolution in yoga. He educates hundreds of yoga teachers every year and challenges his students to question and further develop existing concepts.

In 2007 he founded the Inside Yoga Studio in Frankfurt, Germany. There – and at his retreats, workshops and trainings worldwide – he teaches modern yoga that goes beyond asana and flexibility. His progressive style of yoga is characterized by healthy, anatomically correct alignment, ease and willingness to change.

With passion and dedication Young Ho Kim guides his students to their inner guru – because “ALL YOU NEED IS INSIDE”



Souk Runs is an all-level community and connection-focused running group based out of Souk Studio, 12 W. 27th Street. 10/15 minutes to gather and warm up, 30-40 minutes of movement, and 5/10 minutes to close out and cool down.The runs are inclusive and welcoming to all runners. Paying specific attention to new runners, those coming back from injury or time off, runners burnt out by mileage, but most importantly, those looking to have fun.

Runs will meet weekly on Sundays at 9:30am in the studio on the 2nd Floor of 12 West 27 St – SOUK. Please arrive early should you need to drop off your stuff.

Every run will have a pre-planned route. Each route will have three distances to make it accessible to walkers and runners of all skill levels. Souk Runs will meet for a maximum of one hour. The first ten minutes will include an icebreaker, a guided warm-up, and a route briefing. The routes will be between two and five miles. Walking routes will be a minimum of two miles. Running routes will be a maximum of five miles, finishing with a guided cool-down.

There will be seven runs beginning on the weekend of 4/13 and going through to the Memorial Day weekend.

The runs will be open to anyone. Consisting of SOUK practitioners, the greater running community, locals, and the curious.

The one hard rule for the group is that no one runs or walks alone. It is imperative that everyone feels connected on these runs.


READINGS From The Spiritual Masters


Although our dear friend and teacher, Joan Suval, left her body on April 24, 2020, she left us a wealth of programs and talks. Joan dedicated her life to the teachings of Yoga and Vedanta and being a “radio” for Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati, founder of Ananda Ashram in Monroe, NY.

On the first Monday of Every Month at 8pm in the main room – join us after the 6:30pm class for Video Recordings of Ananda Ashram’s program with Joan Suval – ‘Readings from the Great Spiritual Masters’, elaborating on topics that only the enlightened ones could illumine for us in a way that is relatable & timeless.

The discussion following the video recording this month will be facilitated by Monica and Vani Devi.

ACTIVE Breathwork w/George Ramsay


Breathwork is an active meditation practice that uses a repetitive breath pattern to drop into an altered state. A powerful self-healing practice, breathwork can help you shift out of old patterns, confront limiting beliefs, and move stuck emotions. Regular practice allows you to experience more clarity, bliss, and presence.

George Ramsay is a certified breathwork facilitator who has worked with over 500 clients and companies. He’s been invited into law firms, tech companies, nonprofits, and schools who want to integrate coaching, enneagram, and breathwork to support cultural transformation and well-being. With a background in education, George creates a comfortable environment where everyone feels fully informed of the practice. As a result, everyone gets something in return. He is known for bringing harmony and ease in the midst of big transformation. George currently lives in Asheville, NC.

10% Discount for ALL- IN Souk Members

Sacred CACAO CEREMONY + Sound Bath


With great joy we welcome our circle to reunite. Sarah and Jarrod are honored to come together to serve cacao and create a nurturing evening of healing and connection.

In this sacred ceremony, we will honor Mother Earth & expand our potential through the medicine of cacao and of sound.

The cacao spirit is a feminine and powerful teacher, who can assist us in:

-releasing old stories
-cleansing negativity
-opening your heart
-connecting to the feminine/ Mother Earth
-increasing creativity
-feeling uplifted
-remembering the divine within you!

With the Cacao Spirit and the healing power of gong and drum, let us receive divine messages and inspiration!

We will sit in a traditional circle and drink ceremonial strength cacao at the beginning of the ceremony.

Please do not eat 2 hours before the ceremony to let the cacao goddess have her full effect.

All are welcome to join!

Please register early as space is limited.

10% discount for SOUK All-In Members

DEEPER STILL Sound Meditation with George MacPherson





Offer yourself the gift of this two hour sonic meditation experience to deepen your practice with breathwork, vocal toning and a soundscape developed with a range of overtone-emitting instruments including drum, chimes, antique Tibetan singing bowls, Symphonic gong, and more, created by Sound Meditation facilitator George MacPherson.

This extended, guided sound meditation guides you, as the active participant, on your own journey toward the neutral, equanimous mind; an expansive, spacious state of consciousness. The focus and invitation lays the path of re-establishing harmony, within, and without.

10% discount for SOUK ALL-IN members

Monthly KIRTAN & Sacred Sanga with Dayal Gauranga and Friends

**This is a monthly event. Please see below for dates.**

Sanga is a time to come together as a community and connect through deep spiritual principles. We sing in kirtan with a common purpose of uplifting our consciousness via sacred sound and we share wisdom and stories from the yoga tradition that inspire us and give insight how to navigate the challenges and circumstances that inevitably come in life. It doesn’t matter your background or level of experience. All that is required is an open heart and enthusiasm to connect to something beyond the material.

Dayal Gauranga has been on a spiritual journey leading kirtans and sacred sangas for more than 20 years. At 18 years old, he became a monk and dedicated himself to a life of inner study, reflection, and service.  One year later he made his first trip to India and has since traveled back numerous times throughout the subcontinent, as well as to countries and communities around the world to learn, discover and share. After 10 years of monastic life, he transitioned out of the monastery, met his wife, got married, and currently lives in Brooklyn with their dog Jiva. He, along with a group of talented friends and yogis, seek to share the gifts they’ve received as a means to spread inspiration and joy around the world.


Dharma Talk & Sound Healing


Swami Chidananda is a spiritual educator and monk, holding the distinguished title of Swami.

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear him speak on how the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita can help us transcend the material ego through Love, create purpose through being in the present moment, cultivate the power of equanimity, reframe success, and tune into the golden moments of our days.

Before the talk, we come together for a sound meditation ceremony. Through the cosmic vibration of Love, we make an impact for change, at times intangible but deeply transformative.