Meet George Ramsay - Breathwork - SOUK Studio

George Ramsay


George Ramsay is a certified breathwork facilitator who has worked with over 500 clients and companies. He’s been invited into law firms, tech companies, nonprofits, and schools who want to integrate coaching, enneagram, and breathwork to support cultural transformation and well-being.

With a background in education, George creates a comfortable environment where everyone feels fully informed of the practice. As a result, everyone gets something in return. He is known for bringing harmony and ease in the midst of big transformation.

The breathwork class George teaches is an active meditation practice that uses a repetitive breath pattern to drop into an altered state. A powerful self-healing practice, breathwork can help you shift out of old patterns, confront limiting beliefs, and move stuck emotions. Regular practice allows you to experience more clarity, bliss, and presence.

Friday, August 9 2024

07:45 PM
Duration: 60min

ACTIVE Breathwork

Breathwork is an active meditation practice that uses a repetitive breath pattern to drop into an altered state. A powerful self-healing practice, breathwork can help you shift out of old patterns, confront limiting beliefs, and move stuck emotions. Regular practice allows you to experience more clarity, bliss, and presence. George Ramsay is a certified breathwork facilitator who has worked with over 500 clients and companies. He’s been invited into law firms, tech companies, nonprofits, and schools who want to integrate coaching, enneagram, and breathwork to support cultural transformation and well-being. With a background in education, George creates a comfortable environment where everyone feels fully informed of the practice. As a result, everyone gets something in return. He is known for bringing harmony and ease in the midst of big transformation. George currently lives in Asheville, NC. 10% off for all SOUK members

George Ramsay

In Person

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07:45 PM
Duration: 60min

ACTIVE Breathwork

Breathwork is an active meditation practice that uses a repetitive breath pattern to drop into an altered state. A powerful self-healing practice, breathwork can help you shift out of old patterns, confront limiting beliefs, and move stuck emotions. Regular practice allows you to experience more clarity, bliss, and presence. George Ramsay is a certified breathwork facilitator who has worked with over 500 clients and companies. He’s been invited into law firms, tech companies, nonprofits, and schools who want to integrate coaching, enneagram, and breathwork to support cultural transformation and well-being. With a background in education, George creates a comfortable environment where everyone feels fully informed of the practice. As a result, everyone gets something in return. He is known for bringing harmony and ease in the midst of big transformation. George currently lives in Asheville, NC. 10% off for all SOUK members

George Ramsay

In Person

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