Meet Jo McKendry - Iyengar Yoga Instructor in NYC - SOUK Studio

Jo McKendry

Iyengar Yoga

Jo McKendry began studying Iyengar Yoga with Mary Dunn in NYC in 1991. A
professional dancer at the time, she recalls practicing standing poses for the first five
years with trembling limbs. As time went on, she came to appreciate the depth and art of
yoga. As a mother of three small children in the New Jersey suburbs through the 1990s,
she credits the memory of her time with Mary Dunn and BKS Iyengar’s Light on Yoga as
‘lifeboats.’ She moved to Boston in 2007 and began studying with Patricia Walden.
More shaking limbs. Due to Patricia’s sheer tenacity and faith in her students, Jo’s
practice steadily deepened and under Patricia’s mentorship she was certified at
Intermediate Junior 1 in the earlier Iyengar system. She taught at Downunder Yoga in
Boston and a weekly class at the Women’s prison in Framingham, MA. She has traveled
to Pune, India, to study with the Iyengar family.
Jo moved back to NYC in 2017, where she is grateful to study with Lucienne
Vidah and at the Iyengar Institute. Her ongoing reading of the yoga sutras and other
essential texts has deepened her love for them, discovering their relevance in her daily