Marco is a messenger of yoga. Marco, called Coco, is a student of yoga and a teacher of yoga. His teachings follow the Krishnamacharya tradition. He trained to be a teacher under the guidance of Chuck Miller and Maty Ezraty, creators of YogaWorks, in Los Angeles in 2003. For seventeen years, Coco cultivated a vital and rewarding yoga experience throughout New York City in studios such as YogaWorks, ISHTA, Pure Yoga, and Equinox. Currently, he leads master classes in-person in Aspen, CO and NYC and on zoOM reaching students worldwide.
The class is an inward journey using the science of Raja Yoga. Explore Sun Salutations with bandhas and ujjayi breath, fundamentals of the Ashtanga yoga system. Follow intelligent sequencing from the Ashtanga and Iyengar traditions. The poses are held to explore expansion and extension and to allow the student time to incorporate B.K.S. Iyengar principles of precision and alignment. The teaching adjusts to the individual, a belief practiced in Viniyoga. This transcendental method of involution to achieve evolution will bring us in contact with our layers of existence, koshas, to realize awareness and consciousness necessary to experience sukkha.